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Ed Slott and Company's Monthly IRA Updates is our free email bulletin that showcases recent highlights from irahelp.com. 

Ed Slott’s powerful educational guide for both consumers and advisors demonstrates the step-by-step strategies needed to build and protect a family fortune. New strategies. New tax rules. YOUR 2017 guide to a secure financial future.
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Avoid This Costly Mistake At Death

By Jeffrey Levine, Director of Retirement Education

It’s not exactly a fun thing to think about, but death is an absolute inevitability. When that time comes, or more aptly, sometime before that time comes, there are a number of planning strategies that you can implement to make sure that you preserve tax benefits and minimize present and future income taxes for your heirs. One such planning opportunity may present itself if you own an investment with a loss as your time nears. The issue and possible planning options are best explained by example, so with that in mind, consider the following case of “Bob and Betty:..”

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Each month, Ed Slott's IRA Advisor delivers money-saving tax strategies and answers to your toughest IRA questions. Ed Slott's IRA Advisor also features case studies, tax rulings and horror stories!

What's Inside Our Current Issue?

  • Aggregating Required Distributions from Retirement Plans
  • Retirement Account RMD Aggregation Chart
  • Plan Loans: Easy Money or Danger Zone
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