                                                          IRA Updates

Ed Slott


House Passes Secure 2.0 Bill, but It’s Not Law Yet

By Ian Berger, JD
IRA Analyst

By Ian
                                                          Berger, JD

A bill designed to increase savings in IRAs and company plans has passed the House of Representatives, but it’s not yet law.

The bill is officially called the "Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2022," but many are calling it "SECURE 2.0" since it’s seen as an expansion of the original SECURE Act from 2019. On March 29, the House passed the bill by a near-unanimous 414-5 vote. The action now moves to the Senate where several committees are working on their own retirement bills. If a consensus Senate bill emerges, it will have to be reconciled with the House bill before it goes to the president. All of this may take some time.




Q: I have a non-spousal inherited IRA account. Once I take out my RMD for the year, am I able to take out excess funds and roll those into a Roth account?


Q: Client (72) has recently inherited a "Beneficiary IRA" account. My question is for next year: Can she use qualified charitable distributions for her beneficiary IRA?


Q: I’m learning a lot from Ed Slott’s latest book, "The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb," but I do have a question on 401(k) Roth IRA conversions. I’m recently retired with a company 401(k). I’m leaning towards keeping the 401(k) (rather than rolling it into my IRA. Is it possible to do an annual direct conversion (partial) from my 401(k) to my Roth IRA, keep the remaining funds in the 401(k), and repeat the process every year until reaching RMD age?


Q: I’m 68 years old. I would like to start IRA withdrawals. What are the rules for withdrawing before my RMDs are required at age 72?


Have a question for America's IRA Experts?
Email your questions to us at [email protected]. Selected questions will be featured every Thursday in the Slott Report.





Enhancing Your Clients’ Retirement
Wealth and Wellbeing


July 14-15

After two days, you will be armed with immediately-actionable intel to help your clients maximize their hard-earned retirement savings.

  • The most-up-to-date IRA expertise, including new opportunities and planning considerations stemming from the SECURE Act and new RMD regulations released in 2022
  • An action plan to implement into your business immediately to protect your clients and prospects from avoidable (and costly) planning errors
  • A 400+ page manual to take home and use as a practical reference guide
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  • Built-in networking and Q&A time


On our newest public television special, Ed Slott's Retirement Freedom!, Ed teaches you how to protect your retirement savings so you can have more, keep more, and make it last.

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The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb - a complete action plan to help you make sure your 401(k)s, IRAs, and retirement savings aren’t depleted by taxes by the time you need to use them.



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Ed Slott and Company, LLC 100 Merrick Road -- Suite 200 E Rockville Centre, New York 11570 United States (516) 536-8282