Roth IRA Creditor Protection

Not all states have extended creditor protection to Roth IRAs.
Does anyone know if Illinois and Indiana have extended such protections?
– ie, to both the original Roth IRA as well as future beneficiaries upon

Also, once it becomes an inherited Roth IRA, if one of the beneficiaries
lives in / moves to another state (for worst case consideration, a state
which does not extend creditor protection to IRAs), might that in anyway
upset the other beneficiaries state protections?

I assume a Trust as beneficiary (with careful appropriate planning of other
considerations such as via RMD pass-through) would avoid any creditor

Or might that also be potentially vulnerable (in this example both the
Trust and the Roth having initially been based in either Illinois or Indiana)


See link attached. You will see that both states extend 100% creditor protection to IRA accounts. There is no differentiation for Roth vrs TIRA. The state of IRA owner’s domicile would determine the laws that apply. If multiple beneficiaries live in different states, generally the interest of each should be protected according to their own domiciles without affecting the interests of the others. Obviously, there can be gray areas regarding those who move after incurring debts, etc.

Forgot the link -it’s late…….

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