social security (Heather Schrieber’s site)

Are there social security experts here? I’ve been a recent subscriber to Heather’s letter, but don’t see any discussion forum for that one.

  • This forum is for IRA and other retirement account issues.
  • Since HSA accounts can act as retirement accounts for medical expenses, some limited HSA questions may get answered.
  • It is not a general tax and/or investments forum. There are many of those.
  • It certainly isn’t intended for Social Security issues. Those are unique and can be very specialized.
  • The form is very fortunate to have a signal individual (not me) that answers 95%+ of all posts. He just does not have the time to be all things to all people.

I had children late in life. I will be 60 this year. My two girls are 10 and 7. I thought that if I waited until my FRA and turned on my benefits – I could then turn on benefits for them while they are still in high school. Is that a viable plan or do I have to actually be retired from my job for them to start receiving benefits? Thank you for any thoughts you have on this topic.Bob McDonald 

As was explained in the previous post, this forum does not  deal with Social Security benefit questions.

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