10% penalty

Bad Santa & The Grinch Offer Horrible IRA Advice – Part 2

The investment advisory firm of Bad Santa & the Grinch continues to disseminate misinformation and lousy, no good, rotten-to-the-core IRA advice. As we saw in “Bad Santa & The Grinch Offer Horrible IRA Advice – Part 1” (Slott Report, November 29), these two unsavory characters take great joy in fouling up not only your holiday, but also the qualified status of IRAs. Here are more fish bones, brown banana peels, coffee grinds and raccoon meals from their dented trash can of “IRA assistance.”

How the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule Works

We are often asked how the Roth IRA 5-year rule works. This is a borderline trick question because there is not one 5-year rule for Roth IRA distributions. There are actually two different 5-year rules. So, to avoid confusion, let’s talk separately about each 5-year rule.

Age 55 Exception and Inherited IRAs: Today’s Slott Report Mailbag

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Slott, I have a client who, during 2022, was separated from employment, turned 55, and took a distribution from his former employer’s 401(k) account. We properly used the Rule of 55 exception to avoid the 10% early withdrawal penalty. During 2023 (without consulting me), he rolled the remaining balance of that former employer’s 401(k) account into an IRA, and THEN took a distribution from that IRA account. Does the 10% penalty apply to this distribution? Thanks,

New SECURE 2.0 10% Penalty Exceptions: Domestic Abuse & Financial Emergencies

SECURE 2.0 includes a number of new ways a person under the age of 59 ½ can access retirement account dollars while avoiding the 10% penalty. Historically, there have been more than a dozen ways to sidestep the extra charge. Things like first-time homebuyer costs, higher education costs and disability are all legitimate exceptions to the early distribution penalty. While taxes could still apply, the 10% penalty is off the table for eligible distributions. Here are two of the new “penalty-free access points” to both IRA and company plan retirement accounts made available in SECURE 2.0:

10% Penalty Exceptions

For IRA owners and retirement plan participants who are under age 59 ½, taking a distribution from a retirement account is typically off limits. The distribution will most likely be taxable, and there is a good chance that a 10% penalty will also apply. However, sometimes life gets in the way and a withdrawal needs to be made.

10% Penalty Exceptions – IRA Only!

When a person under the age of 59 ½ takes a withdrawal from their IRA or company plan - like a 401(k) – there is a 10% penalty. However, this penalty can be avoided if the withdrawal qualifies for an exception. Some exceptions apply to both IRAs and plans, some to plans only, and some to IRAs only. With the craziness that is our current world, the three IRA-only exceptions (including SEP and SIMPLE plans) may provide a lifeline for those in need. A general description of each is as follows:

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